![]() A study tested 36 pre-mature infants by placing a cottontball with of 2% saturated solution of vanillin - found in Vanilla oil. The study showed that diffusing Vanilla Oil in this manner could "significantly decrease apnea through the newborns’ olfactory stimulation. It was also highly effective in the newborns’ SpO2 as well as the mean of HR. Thus, it can be concluded that vanillin saturated solution might decrease the incidence of apnea in premature newborns and, at the same time, protect them against the dangerous complications of the disease." This study showed that smelling the scent of the ... solution could significantly decrease apnea through the newborns’ olfactory stimulation. It was also highly effective in the newborns’ SpO2 as well as the mean of HR. Thus, it can be concluded that vanillin saturated solution might decrease the incidence of apnea in premature newborns and, at the same time, protect them against the dangerous complications of the disease." https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3684469/ This is one of many studies concluding that vanilla causes a reduction in sleep apnea and need for high flow oxygen in infants. Ninette Jackson, J.D., Clincal Aromatherapist Josiah's Oils 8 Meadow Lane, Lancaster, PA 717.824.3222 www.josiahsoils.com
![]() "The biggest threats and dangers we face are the ones we don't see - not because they are secret or invisible, but because we are willfully blind." M. Heffernan, 2011 I love this quote. It speaks to so many areas in life, but important to me it speaks to many people's attempts to "sell" essential oils without proper training. Many people are not knowingly harming anyone, but essential oils are different from, say Tupperware - while many are selling both in pyramid structured marketing schemes, Tupperware is not deadly if misused. Sound like an exaggeration? Let me explain myself. Just because essential oils are natural (should be 100% pure), doesn't mean there aren't issues with toxicity and contradictions to medical conditions or medications. Personally, as a Clinical Aromatherapist, I need to be aware of potential side effects, medication contradictions, and toxicity issues. This includes skin, irritants, allergies, phytotoxic effects, and inhaled toxicity as well. Such considerations are greatly based on concentrations used and frequency of usage based on the oil selected. Oils are extremely complex compounds, thus Memes and Pinterest Posts provide little in the way of true educational support. For this reason, in 2016 we have started offering FREE classes on safe essential oil usage at least once per month at the shop in Lancaster. In addition, since 2012, we have offered essential oils safety classes at libraries, hospitals, nursing homes and other settings. Safety is such an important aspect of what we do and why we do it. If your organization is seeking sound essential oils expertise for your speaking event, please contact us (early) in order to set up an educational lecture. **We do not include any sales tactics in our lectures.** Our calendar fills up quickly so please be patient. Our e-mail address is [email protected] My credential are as follows: "Ninette has been working with essential oils for over 10 years and has undergone approximately 860 hours of study & testing to obtain her certifications. Her Aromatherapy shop, which she runs with her husband and great supporting staff, Josiah's Oils, has been in business since 2011 serving her customers with the highest quality essential oils and therapeutic blends, as well as diffusers, lotions, shampoos, conditioners, salves and more - ALL hand-made with Ninette's own recipes. Ninette has experience teaching about essential oils uses and purity at local libraries, chiropractors' offices, parenting groups, nursing homes, Lancaster General Hospital, and alternative health groups. She has contributed her expert advice regarding essential oils in the media to publications including Wellness Magazine, & LancasterOnLine, LNP (newspaper). Ninette's essential oils blends have been featured in Kiwi Magazine, Wellness Magazine, The HealthBarn USA among many others! Ninette has authored the books Essential Oils Use & Safety Guide and Essential Oil Use Guide Second Edition, which are available on Amazon and other sources. Ninette also has a Doctorate degree from Widener University and Bachelors Degree from Rowan University." Ninette Jackson, J.D. (Clinical Aromatherapist) Josiah's Oils 8 Meadow Lane, Lancaster, PA 17601 717.824.3222 www.josiahsoils.com A refreshing oil, You can use Josiah's sweet basil oil in your home while cleaning to remove bacteria from kitchens and bathrooms, prevent contamination, and purify the air with an essential oils diffuser. Diffuse basil also to fight fatigue and reduce inflammation in the lungs - common complaints during cold and flu season. Another common problem is sore muscles you can rub a few drops of Josiah's sweet basil essential oil along with our fractionated coconut oil into painful, swollen muscles or joints. Sweet basil is an oil also used to help with chronic fatigue. Add a few drops to a personal inhaler - we recommend our inhalers with Pink Himalayan Salt, and inhale throughout the day. Finally, many use Sweet Basil to relieve constipation by adding to carrier oil and rubbing on stomach and lower back.
Ninette Jackson, J.D., Clinical Aromatherapist Josiah's Oils 8 Meadow Lane, lancaster, PA www.josiahsoils.com |
March 2022